Thu 06 / ADA – Dropping Machines, by Anne-Mari Huttunen.
Time: Opening 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Location: Bree 97C
Thu 06 / Roodkapje – my space, your space, our space: my space, Sabrina Basten. Presentation by Pythagorium. Pythagorium Bass Clarinets is an improvising ensemble.
Time: Opening at 9:30 pm.
Location: Meent 131
Sa 08 / De Player - COM.POST #13 / THE MOURNING SHOW by ERGO PHIZMIZ (uk)
A Suitcase Opera about Death, Magic and Radio. An evening of adventurous homegrown operesqette business about the English talk-radio-DJ Chris Evans doing a phone-in show. Somehow by the end he'll be dead. Starring Erik Bumbledonk as Chris Evans and The Travelling Mongoose as a mental aspect
Time: 8:30 pm
Location: the OLD PLAYER Tolhuisstraat 107
Sa 8 / Paranoot – A World in Shreds, exhibition with work of 4 painters: Raimonda Griksaite, Rijnder Kamerbeek, Matijs vd Kerkhof, Machteld Solinger.
Time: Opening 5:00 pm.
Location: Essenburgsingel 68 (10 min. walk CS)
Sa 08 / Wilfried Lentz gallery – During the month May, Wilfried Lentz gallery is showing a program centering on the use of recent historical music or sound, every week featuring a performance or film installation by a different artist. The openings for these shows will be on Saturdays at 8 pm. The first show we will host is a performance by Nico Dockx (BE, 1974) and Carl Michael von Hausswolff (SE, 1956).
Time: 8 pm
Location: Groot Handelsgebouw, Stationplein 45 UNIT C 1,140
www.wilfriedlentz.comMo 10 / Piet Zwart institute – Lost in the Cloud of Unknowing: Contemporary Art and the Attraction for the Occult. A public lecture by Marco Pasi. Marco Pasi is Assistant Professor of History of Hermetic Philosophy and related currents at the University of Amsterdam (UvA). The lecture takes place in the framework of the exhibition Enigma and is also part of the programme Office for the Unknown led by Alexis Vaillant of the Piet Zwart Institute.
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Mauritsstraat 36
Wed 12 / Witte de With - Act VI: Remember Humanity and Act VII: Of Facts and Fables.
Time: Opening 6 - 9 pm. Performance by Nicoline van Harskamp.
Location: Witte de Withstraat 50
Wed 12 / WORM – Cartune Xprez: Fututre Television with Peter Burr and Hooliganship [video and performnace].
Time: Starts 9 pm.
Location: Achterhaven 148
Sa 15 / Wilfried Lentz gallery – Sound Track Stage a video made by Rotterdam based artist Wendelien van Oldenborgh.
Time: 8 pm
Location: Groot Handelsgebouw, Stationplein 45 UNIT C 1,140
www.wilfriedlentz.comThu 20 / V2 - Urban Screen Savers, Test_Lab. Critical reflection on the urban screen as an artistic medium.
Time: 8 pm
Location: V2 Ground floor Eendrachtstraat 10
Thu 20 / ADA project space - Cinema Sunset: Films by Charles and Ray Eames.
Time: Starts at 8:00pm.
Location: Bree 93B, Rotterdam Zuid
Fri 21 / Tent.CBK – Enigma Film Night Down The Rabbit Hole. Until 2 o’clock in the morning, current blockbusters & classic cult films in which the fantasy world, the surreal, unbelievable, absurd, terrifying and inexplicable occupy centre.
Time: Starts 8 pm.
Location: Witte de Withstraat 50
Sa 15 / Wilfried Lentz gallery – Seasonal Unrest, video installation by Dani Gal (Israel) who live is Berlin at the moment. This is the third show in the May program – a weekly program featuring a performance or installation by a visual artist that centers on the use of recent historical music or sound. Seasonal Unrest is a large-screen portrait of a foley artist who is producing the new sound track for a film in a recording studio. The film for which this new soundtrack is produced is the 1970 documentary, “Grenade in Gaza’.
Time: 8 pm
Location: Groot Handelsgebouw, Stationplein 45 UNIT C 1,140
www.wilfriedlentz.comZo 23 / WORM – Live presentation of the science fiction radio play workshop by Felix Kubin.
Time: Starts 9 pm.
Location: Achterhave 148
Thu 27 / Sils - Pyrrhic Fortune, with André Kok, Mai Hofstad Gunnes.
Time: opening: thu may 27th, 9 pm.
Locatie: Sils c/o A-Locatie, Wolphaertsbocht 51 Fri 28 / Piet Zwart Institute - BarCamp / European Design Festival 2010. A BarCamp is an open source/open participation 'unconference' for presenting new media projects, a collective and self-organized speaker's corner for media people. Designers, artists, activists can come, sign up on the schedule and give a presentation on their current work and projects. No pre-registration is required. This is the second BarCamp in Rotterdam. It is organized by the research programme "Communication in a Digital Age" of the Piet Zwart Institute in the context, and on the location, of the European Design Festival 2010.
Time: 5:30-11:00 pm.
Location: Foyer of the Willem Burger Zaal, De Doelen, Schouwburgplein,
http://www.europeandesign.orgFri 28 / SIR-Sculpture International Rotterdam - GRRR JAMMING SQUEAK. Live perforrmance by Culture Brothers alias Karma Lama, a Tibetan composer who lives in Alaska.
Time: 8 p.m.
Location: Coolsingel 63
www.grrr.nuSa 29 / Wilfried Lentz gallery – These Are The Days, by Matt Stokes.
This is the 4th show in our May program – a weekly program featuring a performance or installation by a visual artist that centers on the use of recent historical music or sound. These Are The Days is a large two channel video installation featuring a punk gig in Austin Texas as well as a punk band from the same city playing a new sound-track to it.
Time: 8 pm
Location: Groot Handelsgebouw, Stationplein 45 UNIT C 1,140
www.wilfriedlentz.comSa 29 / Galerie Hommes - Transition Part 1. With: Marga van den Meydenberg, Janine Schrijver, Mladen Suknovic, Sjoert Willemstein. The Transition Exhibition presents a photographic view of a changing borough. Four photographers from Charlois were invited to capture the transition process in pictures. The exhibition has two parts: Part 1 in 2010 and Part 2 in 2013.
Time: 4 pm.
Location: Charloisse Kerksingel 14
Sat 29 / B.a.d Foundation + ZiM - Ears Up, an exciting eclectic music night, the evening program of 'Het Kunstweekend Charlois 2010' in Rotterdam.
Afterparty: From 01:00 Studio Pompstraat, Pompstraat 44c.
EARS UP 2010 is a collaboration between foundation ZIM and foundation B.a.d
Time: Door open 8pm. Admission: € 3, - fee = two drinks.
Location: B.a.d foundation: Talingstraat 5 29 / Gallery 182 A - Inside Job, organized by Jeroen Jongeleen. This project consists in secret interventions within Museum Boijmans van Beuningen. This exhibition will be on view till 6th June.
Opening from 6 pm onwards.
Location: Verboomstraat 182 A